Jul 28, 2007 11:10
Just made a mother load of spaghetti sauce with the garden tomatoes that are coming in at record pace. Used these different type of hot pepper that DH bought and grew. All I can say is this family who gets frozen sauce all winter long is going to be hating life after eating this stuff. I love hot spicy but the men in this family are wimps. This stuff is hot. Fished around and around in it trying to get it out of the sauce. Got some of it but Holy Cow these things are hot. I was very careful I thought when I cut this thing up, I only used one along with a jalapeno, not to get any on my hands. Yeah right they are so lethal I should have put on latex gloves. My hands are on fire. Well I will label this stuff Hotter than Hell when I put it in the containers in the freezer. I can see it now. DH who can detect hot spicy in food like no man's business, taking a taste of this and saying "woman what the heck did you do to this stuff". (lol) No, you did it mister you bought the damn plant and grew it and I used it.