Abandoned PA Turnpike (The FULL experience) ***IMAGE HEAVY**

Oct 15, 2006 23:53


Here are the pics from our abandoned PA Turnpike trip. If you want a hi-res, let me know. This is an annual bike trip taken on the 15 mile stretch of the closed off section of the turnpike. It was bypassed 40 years ago to travel around Sideling Hill tunnel, as this tunnel was built to accommadate one lane each way. This section of highway ends in Breezewood, PA. Breezewood has a population of zero, as it is a 24 hour township of gas stations, restaurants & hotels.

P.S. The commentary is full of truths, half-truths, and downright despicable lies. I'll leave it to the reader to believe what they want!

Got a couple rooms in Breezewood ~3am. Here I am watching some movie about a serial killer Santa Claus.

Serial killer Santa Claus on the back of a pick-up. He was not very jolly.

My brother Aaron impatiently waiting to play Squigby. Say that out loud. Really, do it.

Ranna hastily knitting a bike (she forgot hers.)

Ladies and gentleman ...me!

Mike Pumphrey watches too much wrestling, here he is about to smash me with a chair. He calles this power-move the "Pumphinator."

Schuyler Erle contemplating everything in the universe in warp speed. He will actually turn semi-transparent at times like this.

Mike, Schuyler & Aaron playing Squigby. I will not explain how this game is played, but read the instructions & imagine sitting in a restaurant listening to this game being played at the height of it's climax (which is always.)

Squigy cards.

I took these shots after thinking about the end of One Hour Photo.

Current PA Turnpike

Not Current PA Turnpike

Everyone sets off. I forgot to take a pic, but Schuyler brought a bike that folds up, it was really cool.

Military & State Police shooting range.

~1 mile stretch of line painting practice.

More line painting. Notice the veer-off on the upper right, I don't think he got the job.

This used to be a rest stop. For about 15 seconds, I made it one again

Demolished overpass

Approaching Sideling Hill tunnel

Assman! We saw this guy in Breezewood earlier. Apparently, he just runs up and down the turnpike all the time. He said "I just feel like Run-Neng"

This is his disgusting exposed ass flapping through his pink panties! ...sick son of a bitch, lol. He was very friendly and took a pic of the 5 of together.

One of many warning signs

Walking across the top of the tunnel. It's about a 60 ft. drop on the left, and 12 foot drop on the right. I really shouldn't have taken my camera out right here.

Cross section view from other side.

Turbine room. There were two of these fans (about 18 ft high used to suck the exhaust out of the mile+ tunnel.

Breakers for turbines

I asked my friend who is a mechanical engineer about this, and he said "It's a gear, stupid."

Death is coming for you!

No doubt the coolest room ever. This is the exhaust shaft, a mile long room which is right above the ceiling of the tunnel. I had to jack up the contrast for this shot.

One of many vents in the floor (ceiling in the tunnel.)

Opposite view, the air would have been divided and sucked into here through the turbines.

View from above

My tire blew at this point, so I was unable to finish the rest of the trip. Ranna & I walked back the 3 miles to get the car and meet everyone else back in Breezewood.

Breezewood, A condensed America.

One of the "restaurants" where we ate. On the menu, the description under the Cheese Omelette was "filled with cheese." I didn't order it.

I like this shot, so I'll use it as my last image :)

I will defineately be going again next year, especially since I was only able to make it through 1/5 of it.

Thank you to:
Ranna - for walking back with me, you really didn't need to do that :)
Aaron - for getting all MacGyver on my bike & trying to fix it
Mike - for driving me there and back
Schuyler - for the full season DVDs of Amen.
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