
May 09, 2009 23:25

HAI GUYS! I just saw Watchmen (I never end up seeing movies until they come to the cheapies. It's not just my being cheap, I just never get around to it especially since I try to read the source material first. It is partially that I'm cheap, though.)

cut for unpopular opinions, bitching and things no one cares about! )

o hay i'm a film nerd, there's more to life than books you know

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topsyturvytown May 10 2009, 07:24:39 UTC
i really like fandom rorschach, but i think it's because i found his character really funny, like he was the comic relief of the movie. well idk, the whole movie was the comic relief of the movie to me cos i basically lol at anything, but idk, an angry little redhead running around pouring hot grease on assholes and throwing masochists down elevator shafts, that's really funny to me! i know the voice was crazytown but it's totally the sort of voice a little pipsqueak who is overcompensating would use. and the dan-rory buddy comedy thing is of course lol as fuq. but holy shit rorschach fandom is creeeeeeeeepy like the people who ship dan/rorschach WHY WHY WHY!

there's a whole accompanying movie about the minutemen that expands on the whole behind the hood thing from the gn. i haven't watched it cos i heard it was a snoozefest but i am tempted just for silhouette!

i think in the GN you're meant to think that adrian is just totally out of touch and honestly believes that it's ttly awesome to kill a bunch of people for some insane plan. all these characters have some obvious major malfunction and that's his. in the movie you're able to empathize, you think he's a nicer guy and he thinks more realistically, but in making him more normal it takes away from that whole ~people who become masked vigilantes are seriously fucked up individuals~ theme. so yeah, i LIKE movie adrian more, but is it better? it makes more sense but i think it's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to be totally unbelievable because adrian is a crazy egotistical power-tripping creep who somehow thinks he's a nice guy.

lol tl;dr sry


topsyturvytown May 10 2009, 07:25:08 UTC
butts by "fandom rorschach" i mean MOVIE RORSCHACH!


ondes_martenot May 10 2009, 12:27:37 UTC
fwiw, iirc there's not much Silhouette in UtH! :-/ NEEDS MOAR SILHOUETTE


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