(no subject)

Aug 27, 2008 15:53

Why am I in such a bubble year? The grade above me traditionally had around 3/4 as many people as us, the grade below was like 2/3's the size and the grade below them was always really really really small.

In elementary and jr high, it was because there were two neighbourhoods that made up the schools. The one where I live which is where the schools were and one that was just up Deerfoot from us. And when I was in grade 5 and later in grade 8 or 9 new schools opened in the other neighbourhood, and a lot of the kids went there instead of getting bussed into our suburb.

In high school I have no idea what's behind the demographics. I think it's a general population trend, because I remember in Ontario we had a huge grade too, and in Ontario elementary is junior kindergarten to grade 8, so one would better witness overall trends (also no bussed in students).

Internet, why are there so many Canadians born between late 1990 and early 1992? Wikipedia doesn't say the economy was particularly good from 89-90 and I don't think it had much to do with optimism with the breakup of the USSR, the Cold War was never particularly pervasive in Canada. Were there new child care programs in the works? Help me figure this out, internet!

i live in the suburbs life is hard, help me internet!

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