Acheron Parthenopaeus [
There's nothing particularly exciting going on for Acheron ICly right now, but that's okay because he's just rocking the zen for now. Truth be told, he's getting a little bored, and a bored god tends to be a trollgod. . .
I'm constantly terrified that I'm not doing him justice, and the only reason I haven't gotten critted is that no one knows the canon. This fear is probably part of why I barely play him.
desire to play ★ ★ ★ ✩ ✩
odds of dropping ★ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
Sure, I'm a little worried about how well I'm doing, but despite that, I adore him and have very little desire to drop him. He's sticking around for a while yet.
Katou Yue [
Katou died for the first time in-camp! Which okay, it wasn't the dying part that bothered him so much as the way it happened. He'd really rather try to forget about the whole thing, so he's trying to repress, only Setchan doesn't want to let him get drunk so he has to go through more conventional means and just bottle it up. Because heavens forbid he just talks about his feelings. Other than all that, though, he's settled into camp. For all its little quirks, camp is no worse than any other place he's been, and even better in some ways.
Katou is my forever girl. He's always been my favourite character in Angel Sanctuary, and playing him has only solidified that. He's also super-duper to pick up at absolutely anytime, and the first character I've felt capable of spamming with in a very long time. Something about him just clicks for me, I guess. Aside from a little kernel of fear that I am DOING IT WRONG and that I'm going to get the crit-hammer of doom one day, I'm actually pretty comfortable with Katou!
desire to play ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
odds of dropping ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
YOU CAN PRY HIM OUT OF MY COLD, DEAD FINGERS. The day I drop Katou is likely the day I drop camp entirely.