time to switch focus?

Oct 28, 2008 14:06

read in the paper this morning that there will be yet another benefit show for breast cancer fund raising. don't get me wrong, i'm all for fund raising for good causes, but isn't it time to switch focus? in a related article i read that today about 90% of all people (not just women, men can get breast cancer too, you know) are saved. still a high number of patients that don't make it, but a 90% chance of survival isn't half bad. so, i decided to look up some numbers. apparently, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, but has "only" a fatality rate of about 1%. in sweden, where i live, the second most common type of cancer is prostate cancer which affects about 10.000 men each year. around 65% diagnosed with this disease are cured. it seems to me that if a more common form of cancer than breast cancer is deadlier funds should be redistributed to research the former. then again, i guess a prostate isn't as sexy as a breast. what do i know?

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