Jun 22, 2011 05:18
A November 13-16. 2008 Gallup poll asked the question, "Over the next few years, would you like to see the Republican Party and its candidates move in a more conservative direction, a less conservative direction, or stay about the same?"
59% of respondents who identified Republican polled "more conservative," and 20% polled "stay the same," but those aren't the interesting figures. The interesting figures are those reported by respondents who identify as Democrat. While 56% of Democrat respondents polled "less conservative," 13% polled "stay the same" and 25% polled "more conservative."
Now doesn't that seem odd? =)
My interpretation is that fifty-six percent of those Democrats polled are good, honest idealists who would like to see their fellow man come over to the side of light, and truth, and happiness. Now, throw out a few points from the "stay the same" group who probably didn't think their answer all the way through, a very narrow percentage of the "more conservatives" who identified as Democrat solely for black propaganda purposes, and the few people who believe that the Republicans provide a healthy opposing perspective to their Democrat ideals, and I postulate that what you have left are the fanatical party loyalists. These are the people who don't care about coming to terms with Republicans, or bi-partisanship, or any of that hippie-peace-jazz. These are True Blue Democrats (like Blood Red Bolsheviks), who sold their soul to the party years ago, and live by it sink or swim, and for this very simple reason -- Why would a Democrat want the Republican party to become more conservative? Because the True Blue Democrat wants to see the average American run screaming from the gnashing teeth of that beast, "radical" conservatism, into the comforting arms of The Party.
Apply the same trick to the Republicans to find out the percentage of the loyalist Republicans. Why? Saboteurs must always be able to differentiate between the open-minded and the fanatics. Each have their own unique psychology, and each their own uses in the game. One prepares experiments in social engineering the same way one prepares for experiments in chemistry -- by understanding the compositions of the structures. In this way, you can hypothesize how the structures will react when different conditions are applied.