Oct 08, 2006 09:14
You know what's funny? Well, aside from Richard Simmons duh. Time. Time is the most hilarious, fucked up joke of the millenia. It's kind of like that Pink Piano/Pink Table joke, only Time stretches on and on and on and on and ohyougetmybleepingpoint. There's just something about time.. you can't have too much or too little of it at the same time and yet, often, that is the case. Of course, this is my philosophical (read: GADDAMPAKINGEMO) take on the passing of Time, the physical reality (read: WHATTHATBIATCHEINSTEINSAYS) is that Time is a relative concept. Light speed is a constant and everything else adjusts to it, time, mass, you and me. A great illustration is that since light takes so long to traverse planets, what we see of stars today, are actually how they looked like hours, days or even years ago. So technically, we are looking into their past... Eventually enough, we can look into the future. Hence I conclude that time, because it is controlled by light, is a circular, cyclical phenomenon and that our perception and our existence is merely tangential to it. And this. Freaks. Me. Out.
I'd like to sit here and discuss the Theory of Relativity with you, but I am neither smart enough nor strong enough to understand it as a whole and accept the implications of what our discussion might amount to. But the ground shakes, the light passes and the clock ticks, and thankfully, I cannot do anything to stop it.
It's been more than a month since I've updated and to be honest, nothing much has been happening in my life. I got my Trial results back and I've also gotten my final school marks. I did crapaciously by the way. However, it doesnt stop there apparently. The HSC is just about to hit and I am in no way prepared for it. I've gone to graduation (and he got me a GRADUATION COW!!) and to the graduation ball. Ugh, it's like high school all over again. Waitaminut, it IS high school all over again! Shootmenow. On the plus side, we had an afterparty and managed to get kicked out of the hotel before we even started... like WTF right? So we crashed at a friend's place and rocked it up there. A bit lame really, heaps of alcohol + twister + crappy horrean movie (horror + korean) + friends. Just good ol' fun. Everyone was too tired to actually get trashed and I took home a Bailey's. I would like to take this opportunity to say how HOT my date looked [even after he skulled 2 styrocups of Cowboys] ;) (Nicholas, of course.) I looked fat in my dress. Gwar. Must lose that stupid belly and must find way to even out my boobs. >.<
I've gone back to swimming at the local sports club-of-sorts here, and man am I rusty. I couldnt even do 150m freestyle without stopping to catch my breath at the last 25m go. Gwar. I feel pathetic. Anyway, gotta get into shape before mom picks on me even more. Cooking is turning out better now, i'm actually having a problem stocking the fridge. I cooked like, 2kg of meat (which translates to roughly MORE than 2kg when cooked) and it was all wiped out by dinner. WTF.
Oh and I went to the Sydney Animania (local anime convention) and came home with pancakes. Lots of nice stuff on sale, but I'm not really into the overpriced anime scene to be honest. I went out of respect for the art form. (I think I said the same thing when I attended the Sydney Mardi Gras). Sister dressed up as HARD GAY. I would post pictures, but she'd shoot me.
I have a multiply account by the way (read: SELLOUT!), but there's nothing in it. I only got it to stalk people... Nyaawr. And comment on my friend's blog entries. I'll prolly post pictures in about a fortnight's time, after I'm done with these exams. I'll even start going back to regular blogging, oh ha! Something to look forward to >.<
On mail order "collection piece" book prices (Darwin's Theory of Evolution to be precise):
"80 bucks? Come to think of it, no thanks, for that price, I'm willing to be ignorant."
On second degree burns:
On high school:
"I'm sorry, I don't do anal."
My fingers still hurt and I'm still missing a certain 6'2" tall, gorgeous, huggable bear.. :( and I <3 eBay now, the most ridiculous things are on it o.o