So I have this problem. I have flown a Cirrus in every state in the union except for one: Hawaii. This has been bugging me for years. I've got all of Canada, a fair bit of Mexico, most of the Bahamian islands... but only 49 states.
>>When I say "flown in" I mean landed, to clarify and noting a question asked of me earlier.<<
As most of you are aware, we do ferry flights... and we had one pop up that could help me with my problem. So I'll be flying an SR20 over the ocean to Hawaii on November 8th if everything works out the way I want it to. Here's the route, it's very complex:
Some trip stats:
Total Distance: 2,105 nautical miles (that's about 2,400 normal people miles)
Estimated speed: 120 knots (about 140 miles per hour)
Time en route: Approximately 16 hours and 50 minutes
Fuel on board: 196 gallons
Time til empty of fuel: 22 hours
Takeoff weight: 800 lbs over maximum authorized (special waiver obtained from FAA and a sticker that says Experimental does the trick)
Fun facts:
-I'll be wearing an auto inflating life jacket the whole way and have a canopied raft sitting next to me on the fuel tank (we remove all the seats and replace them with gas tanks).
-Satellite phone will be coming along but it costs $2/minute so I'm going to keep any conversations brief.
-I'll be installing an antenna that runs from one wing to the tail to the other wing. This piece of wire allows the HF radio to work (longer wavelength needs a longer antenna).
-I'll have a GPS Personal Locator Beacon (water activated) in my front right pocket in my cargo pants.
-Takeoff rate of climb will be so shallow that I have to essentially launch off a runway that faces the ocean - no obstacles are acceptable.
-I'll be bored as hell.
So that's a thing.