Title: Comings And Goings Pairing: Luhan/Xiumin and Kai/Luhan/Sehun Rating: PG Words: 1 900 Notes: [super long emotional authors note for my automix bbs because amazing] oh my gosh, my wonderful amazing automix ladies (and gentleman). i can't even begin to describe how wonderful it's been to meet all of you and work with you over the past -- month? month and a half? two? i don't know. but it's been great to have you around and scream and celebrate and commiserate with you (and force you through the evils of the poetry writing and punishment games and suggestions for rare fruit). it's also been great to watch you guys cross the finish lines and celebrate when you finally, finally post your fics. i can't wait to finish reading them and see the beautiful monsters you all have created. thank you for everything, and also, expect mspaint awards. expect them soon ... well, if you remind me. otherwise, nag me until i remember.
There are many things that should be barriers between Luhan and Minseok, but none of those things matter when they're wasting scorching hot July mornings prefacing errands with hours of idle conversational mistakes. Maybe some of those things should matter a bit more. {New York City AU}