Nov 14, 2005 22:11
I seriously have had so much on my mind these past 3 weeks its hard to forget about and it seems things get added on day by day.Its not like one thing is bothering me its many so everything just adds to it. There is so much on my mind with work and running in to old ties really brought back memories. Things have come up that question my feelings and weather the people around me are feeding me bullshit or really do care.
there have only been two people who have helped me through everything honestly and thoughtfully and they are Megan and Loren so to both of you thank you... i am sure onluy one of you will read this but that is okay. I just wish i could say things were better, they were for a while but these events that have happened sure arent making my life great.
I got my license so i am pumped about that i can o for drives to clear my minf its great.