too long to write it all, anyway.

Aug 26, 2006 03:29

I don't really write like I used to. a lot is happening, and I'm keeping it from everyone.


I was damn happy to be done with last semester. had a couple shows. saw good people. made a cake. two cakes, actually. I'm twenty. looking forward to next semester. I got sunburned some, and fell asleep on a boat in a river. I gave art a little rest. I never studied. I'm still in love. (I'm always in love, you know? it feels good.) I laughed a whole lot. a whole whole lot. watched a few fireworks. stayed pretty poor. drove around with lindsay a lot...but I didnt count how much (her van always smells exactly the same, I never really thought of that until now). bought, refurbished, and customized a nintendo entertainment system. ate a lot of udon. I didn't get too awfully upset even once. saw my mom after almost a year. (she's leaving monday). bought super rad fucking sneakers. slept when I was tired. drove wherever I could, whenever I had the gas. rekindled my godzilla fixation. decided college is stupid. decided to keep going. undecided on what's really going to happen after college, but I'm sure I'll love it. (I'm always in love). missed esther and ayla when I could. drank a little, but never was made of knives. parties suck, anyway. I thought the world was made of matchsticks when I was on salvia, though. went to a car show downtown and watched fire shoot out of a tailpipe. bought the teeshirt. watched a lot of movies. a whole lot of movies. played a lot of videogames. (I took a castle by myself, actually). found new, good music...but mostly there wasn't much. art fair. blankets covered in grass. made a new friend, who I feel like I'm ignoring. learned a little about other, older friends. I still think everybody is wonderful, though. did a lot of little photobooth deals at the mall. the mall fucking sucks, though. my ipod broke. never actually managed to get a real job. enjoyed every minute of staying up, sleeping late, wearing old socks, smiling big, complaining, fucking and listening to rollerskates.

I did anything I wanted enough to do, really. but I didn't really do anything life changing. that doesn't make my summer uneventful. a lot of people are disappointed this year...but me? nah. I love what I do, even if it's just laying in bed. I didn't really get everything in there (up there), though.

are you disappointed?

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