lunchtime procrastinatory exercise

Jun 21, 2006 14:03


can you blow a bubble?
yes, though i haven't done so in ages...must add that to my to-do list

can you dance?
oh hell yes

can you do a cart wheel?
yes! i was quite the little gymnast until i grew too tall and my mom forbade me to be all anorexicky and puberty-less.

can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
no, but i am in awe of people who can

can you touch your toes?
wheee yes

can you whistle?
yes, and i do, a lot of the time, especially in the office, which is probably infuriating to some, though no one has ever mentioned it. incidentally, when i was little, my mom used to say, 'did you know that when girls whistle, the virgin mary cries in heaven?' um, what?

can you wiggle your ears?
boo no

can you wiggle your nose?
yes i's darling.


did you ever get into a fight in school?
like a fist fight? naw, i'm a lady. come to think of it, in school, i don't think i'd even had a verbal fight with anyone.

did you ever run away from home?

did you ever want to be a doctor?
not that i recall

did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
er no


do you believe in god?
i think so

do you know how to swim?
yes, since i was three

do you like roller coasters?
woooooooo yes!!

do you own a bike?
no...i wish i did.

do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?
aw hell no


does hair loss run in your family at all?
on my mom's side, absolutely not...everyone has this fabulous, wavy, thick, crazy hair which i seem to have inherited. my grandpa, who is 89, has a full head of pure white, gorgeous hair. on my dad's's bizarre, but both of my dad's brothers have gone bald, but my dad did not. he has thick, fantastic hair too. maybe he's adopted (which would explain a lot more than just his hair potential).

does your car get good gas mileage?
don't have one

does your family have family picnics?
in the summer we do tend to congregate in my backyard and eat copious amounts of food, though there's no basket and we sit at a table to dine...does that count?


have you ever been on a plane?
of course

have you ever asked someone out?
god, have i? probably

have you ever been asked out by someone?

have you ever been to the ocean?
yep...two of 'em actually

have you ever gone fishing?
yes...when i was little, my brother and i would go out on my uncle's boat into the atlantic and catch all kinds of crap. our favorite was the blowfish, of course.

have you ever painted your nails?
these questions are lame.


how did you find out about myspace?

how many people are on your friend's list?

how many of them have you met in person?

how many times has your profile been visited?
i don't know! how can i find out?!

how tall are you?

how much money do you have on you right now?
significantly less than i did when i answered this question in another dorky meme the other day


last person you hung out with?
what constitutes 'hanging out?' like, i just got lunch from the caf with my co-worker, but it wasn't particularly fun. i did hang out with my cat last night, it was inspiring, as always.

last thing you said out loud?
(to my boss) 'yeah, so, it should be pretty fun.' (in reference to the belle & sebastian concert i will be attending on july 4)

last thing someone said to you?
(from my boss) 'sounds like it!'


what did you wear to bed last night?
black and pink-polka-dotted nightshirt

what are you listening to?
'dreaming of you' by the coral

what is the temperature outside?
83 degrees

what radio station do you listen to?
i never listen to the radio.

what was the last restaurant you ate at?
oh let's see...i can't really remember but i will guess that it was either the coach house or that asian fusion place on my corner

what was the last thing you bought?
my lunch, from the caf: pasta and snapple lemon iced tea

what was the last thing you had to drink?
snapple lemon iced tea

what was the last tv show you watched?
good morning america

what's up with your myspace picture?
i hate's an old lj icon, from maybe three years ago, and i look nothing like it. i am just too lazy to upload a new picture.

what's your area code?
work: 212, cell: 646


who is your newest friend you added to myspace?
that i added: my friend's band, the multi-purpose solution
that added me and i accepted: lanford

who was the last person you im'd?
i don't really im, but i use it for work, so it was most likely stephanie

who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
the petes

who was the last person you took pictures with?
zan and justin, at my birthday party

who is in your default picture?
that's me

who was the last person to leave you a comment?
probably paul

who was the last person you said 'i love you' to?
the petes, again

who will fill this out after you have posted it?
no one, hopefully...i like to think most people have better things to do.

blah, procrastination, meme

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