Dec 27, 2004 01:10
christmas came and went. and it didn't ever really feel like it was around. got the shopping done early, which was a real switch. like first time ever.
gotta a dvd player, a tool kit, slippers sweater n scarf etc...
bailed outta going to the relatives with the fam. for christmas dinner. to stay home and nurse a sick little kittie(sasha). who today i had to take to the cause she's dehydrated and constipated and you know not really eating much of anything. spent 3hrs. there while they took x-rays and showed me how much it was gonna cost to keep her over night and given the royal treatment$940. plus if they found that they might have to put her under the knife possibly another $1000. suddenly this cat that we got for $25(for whom i thot litter&food were gonna be the major expense)was getting to cost way more then myself or katrina could possibly afford. i told the vet there was no way we could cover this and wasn't there some more affordable manner of saving my cats ass, because, otherwise i'd...we'd have to put her down, and that's not something i really wanna do. yeah sure we've only had the cats for little under a month, but fuck if they haven't endeared themselves to me. i love them(frankenheimer the fourth, her sister) to bits, and i'd hate to see them split up or us split up.
the upside...if there is one, is that sasha's staying overnight at the clinic getting an IV drip of fluids and meds. that she's getting care, tho limited as we had to scrap the bloodwork so it's costing us only $520 and that hopefully a decent portion of it will be covered under our little pet insurance plan.
what freaks me out alittle is....what if it had been kids...
but that's what healthcare's for. right?