Dec 30, 2010 21:58
[The bright blue eyes look into the SFC, but she still seems slightly confused. A bit of grease can be seen on her face, but she doesn't seem worried to care as she concentrates on the things in front of her. For a second, its hard to see what exactly she's doing, but she bumps into the SFC and suddenly it comes into view. In front of her, metal parts and nails can be seen. She stares at it, as she concentrates even more.]
I have to make this perfect!
[There are a few books in front of her as she shifts, her hair covers her face for a time. She sighs as she reads the book and glances back down at the metal parts in front of her.]
I know I can do this! He needs to have the best! Why can't I get this to work!
[She glances at the SFC and it can be seen then that she's exhausted but still determined to finished what she's doing. She sighs as she realizes that its recording, but shaking her head and smiling into it.]
Don't worry Ed, I'll perfect this for you!
i will get this!,
book on automail is awesome!,
i'll win!,
perfecting this automail for ed