Every "major" website looks so goddamn ugly nowadays,
Photobucket and livejournal being no exception.
Makes me yearn for the days of long pages with starry night wallpaper,
where you had to click on the -> to go to the next page on the site.
all I'm writing these days is poetry
and I could care less about keeping a half-imagined handful of thought-forms
up to date on mundane things like what I did the other day, etc.
I think that is what Facebook is for now, and..
writing poetry is typically more liberating and exciting.
I mean, at this very moment I should be heading downstairs to take a shower, and
I'm worried about the Blue Screen of Death seizing my computer, because it did so yesterday.
I just listened to some 'Brutal Death Metal' because I felt it would make a nice pairing with the coffee
I made this morning.
Not so enjoyable to write about.
And philosophizing, these days anyhow, is also better communicated via poetry.
That is to say that, it spills out of the mind with less effort, and is clearer (to me) when
written in a few short stanzas, as opposed to a sprawling wall of text. I'd also rather talk
philosophy with Lisa or with Zach or Anthony, provided it is summertime and we're all together.
And writing it all down seems kind of illogical, cos' I always end up at the same conclusion..
so there's no reason to work on "it."
For example:
Yesterday I had a bit of a solo mind/spirit adventure, but I wrote a very short poem that summarizes the experience in a better way than any kind of essay or report:
Inspecting a mess
of crumbs on the floor,
trying to find meaning
in the little city they'd built.
Maybe I'm getting old and lazy but I prefer to think that things occur in cycles, and as such I'll get back into writing big reports again, maybe by 2050 sometime (I'll be 65 then, I think).
So what am I doing writing here now, then?
Well, I'm writing mostly out of guilt. Livejournal is like an old friend that I've grown apart from, but still meet up with a few times a year, "for old time's sake." Caffeine is typically the substance that activates the particular switch in my mind that leads me to log-in and post something.
I mean, this journal could serve many practical purposes:
it could function as a space to vent frustration about school & other activities involving
the hopeless clusterfuck experience (failed civilization, whatever).
But so much of that venting is better left unsaid.
but, it could function as a "trip report" space, but those are so boring to write..like writing a fucking lab report or something. Better in poem form, especially in the moment->editing after the fact.
but, it could also function as a art promotion space..I really need to promote myself more, as always.
However, Facebook is more so the "place to be" for that kind of thing. Actually, I think Flickr is better suited for promotion...another site that I should visit, but often don't.
It feels good to come here and write, once in awhile..
even if I typically spend my time talking about why I don't write here that much.
I think this is because the Internet, for me (and most other people) is a "place" that
I visit often, but I'm only spending time in one little corner of it.
Kind of reminds me of walking a dog, and the dog wants to sniff out the same few spots along the walk
in order to piss on them or whatever. Bad comparison perhaps, but you get the idea.
Livejournal is off the map, so it feels refreshing to visit, and it absorbs some guilt too.
Satan, oh he came, and organized his own religion / Yeah when he knows he shouldn’t