For couples_therapy

Oct 17, 2008 23:49

2. Discuss a time when you doubted the strength of your relationship

Mike didn't know if this would last. Worse he wasn't even sure he wanted it to go on. Standing in the kitchen he pressed his hands to the counter top and sighed. things were getting worse not better. What could he do? Dying or at least trying to for her hadn't been enough. Mike looked down at his hands. Her father's wedding band was on his finger. There was intention, maybe even on his part.

He needed to make a choice. The boy of hers was starting to get attached to him. The baby was coming soon and still he had no confidence in what they were doing. What were they doing? He was too old. She was too young. This family thing wasn't working. It couldn't be.


He heard the boy's voice and cringed. He hated him but most of all he was afraid of him. He was afraid to get close. He was afraid of killing him. Deep down he was afraid it would make him his father. He remembered clearly how his father said it was his fault he became a drunk. It was Mike's fault that he beat his mother. His brothers had been fine but he was the reason everything fell apart.

McKay took a deep breath and looked down at the eager boy with his backpack. Why had he suggested taking him to the set? Mike had no idea and ran his hand through his hair. Turning back now would just send him and Butterfly back at each other. Despite his displeasure with the circumstances fighting wasn't anything he was eager to do. He pulled himself together over all the emotion.

"Come on kid." Mike smiled trying to imagine things were better than they were. Thomas smiled up at him in a way that Mike had never seen from anyone. He had no idea how to react or what to do about it so he just started walking. "Come on."

He could hear little tennis shoes following after his long, even strides and race past him. The boy was out the front door but Mike stopped in the doorway. He felt sick watching the boy run to the car, stop and look back. That expectation of being there or doing something was so alien to Mike that it might as well have been asking him to fly. Honestly, flying would be easier. He was a stuntman after all.

Mike looked back toward the bedroom. "I'll bring him back at lunchtime angel."

He called to her but what he felt conflicted. Love and the desire to run or kill collided full speed inside of his mind. Mike shook it and stepped out the door. Every step toward the eager boy was a struggle. Internally he fought for every inch from the porch to the car in the driveway. Around the car he pushed himself to keep walking. This was a new car. The last was a junk heap after he tried to end this all in the only way he could find acceptable at the time. Now he couldn't accept that outcome either.

McKay opened the car and got in. "Over here."

He patted his leg waiting for this boy to come around. Dad. He was terrified of that word. Disgusted by it. Dad was the reason he had spiraled down this path. He could still feel the weight of the lamp in his hand. That was so long ago but it was still fresh. All it was today would be a few hours. What were the chances of hearing that word before he had the boy back home? Slim, none?

He looked at the boy standing beside him in the door, waiting. He took a deep breath and reached out tucking his hands under the boys arms. The movement of Thomas into his lap was like handling a bomb that was about to explode if it was jerked around too much.

"Do I get to drive?"

He was eager again and Mike shook his head. "Only watch."

He buckled them in to the seat knowing Butterfly would kill him if the boy was in his car without the harness. Just a few hours. He could do this. Looking back over the seat he started the car. Thomas squealed with delight as he started to back out. Just a few hours then it would be over.

Words: 747

simplebutterfly and youngparker used and referenced with their respective mun's approvals.

thomas parker, couples therapy, fiction, butterfly

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