wingnuttiest comment of the day award goes to...

Sep 14, 2009 22:19

From Wonkette:

lesleyjf says at 3:26 am, September 13th, 2009
The wingnuttiest comment I saw today was this:
I’m just disappointed that absolutely NO black people are to be seen in ANY protests. Just because Obama’s black, doesn’t mean you HAVE to agree with everything he does.

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chipnic September 16 2009, 06:31:10 UTC
I saw a black guy at one of these protests in Arizona. He was the one with the AR-15 rifle strapped to his back. I'm serious.

There are others. It's not an all-white affair but it does come close to being all white. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I've been involved, at some level, with politics for over 20 years if you want to include letters I'd send the president. I started doing meetings about 13 years ago. Side bar: A big lesson I learned was partisanship (even a 3rd party partisanship) disagrees with me. I stopped doing organized political meetings in 2001.

I have not attended any of the tea parties or anti-Obama rallies or whatever they are called now, but I have met some of the people who have gone to these things and they've talked to me honestly. I believe they are misinformed. I believe they are using conclusory logic, that is start from a conclusion and search for "evidence" backing their conclusion. Which leads to a lack of depth of understanding of the issues.

Example: The death panel controversy. The current system has a "death panel" but we don't call it such. When there are 5 livers available in a week for transplant and 10 people who need a liver in the next week, 5 people will die. If the choice of who gets the liver is the highest bidder, the free market is the "death panel." If doctors decide who gets the liver, the panel of doctors is the "death panel." Any which way you slice it, 5 people are going to die and a "death panel" determined the doomed parties. It's a worthless accusation and it violates the principle of Milton Friedman in that there are no free lunches. You can't get everything you want. Unless, frankly, you are loaded. Even then you can't cheat the reaper.

Many of these people are good people who have been tricked by some charismatic people who know what buttons to push.

The unfortunate thing is we are going to end up with a system that sill enriches the insurance companies and costs more per person than the reputably inefficient French. And the French on average live healthier and longer than the average American.

But that evidence is somehow ignored for the false flag of "death panels."


autodidactic September 16 2009, 11:37:01 UTC
I dunno, hon. "All White Affair" screams KKK rally and/or Cracker Barrel to me. I think it's probably just me being uppity and pushy, but I'm almost to the point where I look at white folks and if they don't have black relatives, they should very fucking well have a black friend or two, at least. Whether they're racist or not. Black people and racists have occasionally managed to be friends. Just look at Archie Bunker and Sammy Davis Jr!

Yeah, rich people are almost always going to be able to afford a better doctor. It's just something that's bound to happen in a free market. But if we WANT a free market (I'm not convinced we have a free market, but that's another argument for some other time) we put up with the idea that someone's going to get more than us.

It's because we want to live in a Meritocracy, but all of us have different standards of "deserves".


chipnic September 16 2009, 21:45:14 UTC
"All White Affair?" There are black people at these rallies. Not many, but they are there.

What would be wrong with an all white affair, anyhow? Would it be somehow more wrong than an all black affair or all Hispanic affair?

And Cracker Barrel as all white? Hell, I remember being in Virginia on a Sunday morning in desperate need of breakfast and there was a Cracker Barrel (which I STILL have never been in one) and saw NOTHING but blacks on damn rocking chairs out front.

Needless to say, I didn't bother trying to fight the crowd and found a grocery store and got some bread and baloney. But damn, I really wondered whether there was a fried chicken special inside or something.

As for having black friends (I prefer saying nigra friends), disagree. Too many white people, mostly of Norther extraction I've noticed here in Atlanta, will make a point about having a black friend. Oh, they try talking all black and shit and it's disgusting how desperate they are to have a black friend. It does not help that these whites come from the middle class on up. . . . fucking jagoffs.

Seeing this complete charade is disgusting. I'd rather these friendships be based on honesty rather than some white Yank with a guilt problem well developed from years of viewing propaganda pieces perpetuated by the Hollywood hit machine.

I'm sure these whites sleep well in their Egyptian cotton sheets at night after saying, "whaz uhhhhp" and fist bumping the nearest nigra to feel like a bro for a moment before retreating to their granite counter tops and Mad Men tv.

damn that felt good


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