Jun 06, 2005 23:25
Her beauty, the carrot dangling out of reach, teases my thoughts.
The carrot reeks of inebriation.
Of things I adore, she proudly boasts.
A sparkle of light, her tongue's adornment,
Lies adjacent to the source of her spearmint redolence.
A slight and delicate laugh cuts through me,
Just as the warmth of her embrace melts my heart.
Am I alone in knowing the lustrous taste that is her voice?
I'm rivaled by the voice of Elliot Smith,
The way she feels when she visits Trenchtown.
The carrot seems so close.
I recall a walk towards the gate.
Her lack of a second glance my way,
Portrays my heart's ultimate diss.
Each broken piece of my heart
Burdens each breath in my lungs.
You know we on and on
The dull knives of pain flail
Towards my wretchedness.
Her tears brought joy to my eyes.
She cried oil,
It was all Aught could do to inhibit himself.
She won't let him refrain, in the years that pass.
She enjoys his forgetful kisses.
All the pain simply floats away when he tells her.
An toir thu dhomh pòg?
Her clothes scream her emotions,
And his love seems transparent.
Who would dream of a rugged gate?
A gate in which to recall a forgotten walk.