Boring? : no Creative? : always have seemed 'artsy' one of the first times I remember seeing you, you were playing with the play-dough that makes peoples hair grow? I think it was barber shop playdough Smart? : yes A flirt? : i wouldnt know Slutty? : terribly A psycho? : you were a pretty crazy kid...always laughing at ridiculous things Athletic? : i suppose you are Confusing? : no Sweet? : yes, i mean, you paddled all the way back to your cottage to get steph salt! Mood swings? : i dont think so, but once again, i wouldnt really know Annoying? : no Funny? : yea Hyper? : you used to be terrrribly hyper Laid back? : i believe so Perfect? : no, but nobody is
>**JUST SOME QUESTIONS** 1. What is my phone #?: 853-6202, but I had to look it up 2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?: yes I do (b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?: i dont know, perhaps you havent met her yet. 3. When is my birthday?: umm in all honesty, i bet i know it and just forget. but at the moment, i have no idea. 4. Who is my best friend?: idea 5. Where did we meet?: through our parents i assume, our moms were friends when they were little. then through church. and then again through the cottage... 6. Have you ever had a dream about me?: cant say that i have 7. If you could change one thing about me what would it be?: unfortunately i dont know 8. Describe me in 3-5 words: the david meisner 9. do you love me?: not really, but i suppose in some sense 10. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be?: im not sure 11. If u could ask me anything..what would it be? hows it going?
1. I am the________ person u know. shiniest 4. a) Do u ever think about me off-line?: well we dont even talk on line b) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being high), how much do you think of me each day?: 1 5. a) Would you ever ask me out?: no b) Right now, what is the chance of that happening (in %): well i wouldnt do it, that'd be weird 6. a) Have you ever had a crush on me?: probably when we were at the cottage because we'd hang out for so long together..then you pushed me in the water and it all ended right there. i was furious. b) Do you still?: no
Boring? : no
Creative? : always have seemed 'artsy' one of the first times I remember seeing you, you were playing with the play-dough that makes peoples hair grow? I think it was barber shop playdough
Smart? : yes
A flirt? : i wouldnt know
Slutty? : terribly
A psycho? : you were a pretty crazy kid...always laughing at ridiculous things
Athletic? : i suppose you are
Confusing? : no
Sweet? : yes, i mean, you paddled all the way back to your cottage to get steph salt!
Mood swings? : i dont think so, but once again, i wouldnt really know
Annoying? : no
Funny? : yea
Hyper? : you used to be terrrribly hyper
Laid back? : i believe so
Perfect? : no, but nobody is
1. What is my phone #?: 853-6202, but I had to look it up
2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?: yes I do
(b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?: i dont know, perhaps you havent met her yet.
3. When is my birthday?: umm in all honesty, i bet i know it and just forget. but at the moment, i have no idea.
4. Who is my best friend?: idea
5. Where did we meet?: through our parents i assume, our moms were friends when they were little. then through church. and then again through the cottage...
6. Have you ever had a dream about me?: cant say that i have
7. If you could change one thing about me what would it be?: unfortunately i dont know
8. Describe me in 3-5 words: the david meisner
9. do you love me?: not really, but i suppose in some sense
10. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be?: im not sure
11. If u could ask me anything..what would it be? hows it going?
1. I am the________ person u know. shiniest
4. a) Do u ever think about me off-line?: well we dont even talk on line
b) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being high), how much do you think of me
each day?: 1
5. a) Would you ever ask me out?: no
b) Right now, what is the chance of that happening (in %): well i wouldnt do it, that'd be weird
6. a) Have you ever had a crush on me?: probably when we were at the cottage because we'd hang out for so long together..then you pushed me in the water and it all ended right there. i was furious.
b) Do you still?: no
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