Oh. Just in case some of you wanted to know the answers to that riddle think Mello figured out:
The first answer is 'Encircle.' See? A circle of N's. Right.
So the link you go to is
After that, (if you translate all of the binary) it tells you the path out is hidden. It's kind of a double-message. What it means is that the link to the next page is hidden. If you mouse over the binary in the last 'entry' of the journal, you'll find a link. Go there, and you get this cryptogram thing. Took me a while, but I decoded it:
If you've made it this far, I'd like to congratulate you. Your trials will soon come to an end.
If you can read this, that means you are one step closer to finding the treasure.
In order to find the map, you must first solve this riddle.
The username is 'EndlessLiminality.'
The answer is the password.
Good luck.
A metal neither black nor red
As heavy as a man's golden greed
What you do to stay ahead
With friend or arrow or steed.
The answer to the riddle is 'Lead.' I only know that because it was in the riddle book in Morrowind. Who does the Channel think it's fooling?
After that, you can go to the Photobucket account 'EndlessLiminality', with the password lead1, and see the map.
Easy, right?