Things I want to do for my [future] kids, a list by yrs truly.
Build them a tree house
Pack them bento lunches
Ride bikes with them
Make forts with them
Teach them "pleases", "thank yous", & smiles
Teach them to answer the phone "This is she/ he", not "This is her/ him"
Remember that kids don't like to thought of as kids & not be condescending
Throw frisbees with them
Play music together
Not watch TV
Tell them that Jesus loves them so much
Make them mixtapes
Talk gently
Read them myths, bible stories, books, & poetry
Educate them about their heritage
Remind them to turn the lights off when they leave a room-- and unplug chords if they can
Let them play in the rain...
Not let them worry about money. Until they get older
Ask them questions. But be careful not to ask the same ones over and over again
Have my husband teach them how to drive
Cultivate their talents & interests
Save for their education
Be supportive in their endeavors
Play octupus when they're little
Take them to museums
Love them so so much