Oct 06, 2008 23:59
I am an indefinite time bomb, ticking away at whatever suits me. It's so easy-- I will dig myself a crater and lay in it comfortably. Dazzling shrapnel sprays over everything and makes itself a new home, cosey and warm in new flesh. Sleep is taking me away. My mind is winding down. 2.3.1. I've started to view people as uniquely malfucntioned/malfunctioning machines. It makes sense to me. I am simple-minded now. Maybe always. Perhaps i am thrice the fool i think myself to be. Open window shades make me nervous. Maybe i am that unwanted extra member of the already crowded party. That tag-along that's just barely tolerated out of habit or out of obligation. Precious time, precious touch wavers like an under-practiced ill-prepared musical. Where do i fit in here? It's quite possible i don't.