Предварительный анализ обучения импровизации про помощи ПЕКС

Apr 16, 2012 15:35

"A Preliminary Analysis of Teaching Improvisation with the Picture Exchange Communication System to Children with Autism

Two young boys with autism who used the picture exchange communication system were taught to solve problems (improvise) by using descriptors (functions, colors, and shapes) to request desired items for which specific pictures were unavailable. The results of a multiple baseline across descriptors showed that training increased the number of improvised requests, and that these skills generalized to novel items, and across settings and listeners in the natural environment...
During baseline, improvised requests occurred rarely, if at all. As training was implemented sequentially across each class of descriptors, the number of improvised requests increased steadily and were maintained at high levels. In addition, it should be noted that the mean number of descriptors per independent request increased successively in correspondence with the number of descriptors required for the request to produce the reinforcer (data depicted in the changing criterion design are not portrayed but are available from the first author). Similar to the findings of Parsonson and Baer (1978), generalization occurred within stimulus classes but not across classes. Once all three classes were trained, however, the children used novel combinations from each class to make requests for untrained stimuli during both generalization probes and in their natural environments (e.g., “I want eat white circle” to request a marshmallow). Thus, both children learned to solve problems as defined by Skinner (1968), Bijou (1976), and Becker, Engelmann, and Thomas (1975). Specifically, when presented with a problem (the unavailability of a single specific graphic symbol to communicate a request for a desired item), the children used a novel synthesis of responses or precurrents (selecting descriptors from different stimulus classes) that generated a reinforceable (current) response (a mand that produced the desired item)"

АБА, Поведение, pecs, aba, АВА, Коммуникация

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