ДНК-Тест на непереносимость лактозы

Mar 07, 2012 14:32

£ 39.90 per test
Home test kit for lactose intolerance

"A new home diagnostic test to confirm Lactose Intolerance using laboratory DNA testing

Our Lactose Intolerance DNA kit is the first home test available on the market to confirm if you have primary lactose intolerance, with an accuracy of 99.5%. Lactose intolerance is an inherited condition, where the amount of the enzyme lactase that your body produces starts to fall, usually from the age of 3 years onwards. The symptoms of the condition develop over time and vary from one person to the next so it is very difficult to diagnose without a test.

If you suspect you are lactose intolerant why not take our easy-to-use test and be certain!. The test is very easy to perform. Simply take a saliva sample using the swab provided in the kit and send it to our accredited laboratory for analysis in the reply paid envelope provided. The DNA in your saliva sample will be analysed for genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance and your results can be downloaded from our website using a unique code provided in the kit within 7 days. Due to genetic differences in lactose intolerance between different ethnic populations please note that this test is best suited to people of European descent.

Анализы и тесты, БГБК, Проблемы ЖКТ

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