Sep 23, 2009 10:47
A friend in Australia just posted this & I wanted to share. What a great story!
A man was working outside Bristol Animal Zoo, where there are 150 car spaces and room for 8 buses/coaches. He would charge 1Pnd for cars and 5Pnd for coaches/buses. He did this everyday for 25 years, then one day he didn't show up for work. The zoo management thought "ok, time to get a new parking attendant", so they rang the council. They asked for a new one, and the council replied, "no, the parking spaces are your responsibility." The zoo replied, "No, they are your issue, and we need a new attendant." Council replied, "no, they are your spaces, they are your problem", to which the zoo replied, "so the guy thats been working here for the last 25 years, wasn't yours? Council replied, "no, sorry."
There is some guy, living on the coast of Spain, who after approx earning about 400Pnd a day charging for spaces, has earned approx 3.6 million pound and no one even knows his name.
Ahh, the efficiencies of gov't. I wish they would manage my healthcare..