Looking Back/Looking Forward

Dec 23, 2014 08:25

First of all, please forgive any typos you may see in this post. Typing is difficult today since I burned the middle finger on my right hand yesterday in a tragic peanut brittle accident. Some of the candy dripped onto the back of my finger as I was pouring it into the pans for cooling. Burned it good (especially since I couldn’t get the candy OFF my finger right away).

I’m typing much slower than usual because of this because I can’t use the injured finger without causing pain. And I don’t like pain. Therefore, my right ring finger is doing its best to fill in, but it’s unaccustomed to it. And for some reason, not using my right middle finger throws off my left hand too (not sure what’s up with that), so there may be errors I don’t catch.

Okay, onto the post.

Hard to believe that Christmas is only a few days away. This year has flown by and today I find myself looking back. It’s been crazy! This year has brought many changes into my life. My oldest child going off to Africa to serve a mission for our church was the biggest and most dramatic (he’s doing well, by the way). I had my first car accident at the end of July (still having a few issues from that). Another big change that happened shortly after that was pulling my kids out of public school to home school them (that’s going well so far, but we’ve planned changes that will start in January). I made lots of new crafts and enjoyed being creative.

Speaking of creativity, my writing life has been a bit slower due to some of the changes that happened in my “regular” life. Still, I managed to learn more about the craft of writing, read many amazing books by many amazing writers, write a few things of my own, and come out stronger and wiser.

Would I like to have seen things end up differently this year in regards to my writing life? Yes. Of course, I would love to have signed a contract for one of my books (who wouldn’t-well, besides those who did), but that’s out of my control. I did write and revise and query, and that’s all I can do. So, even though I wish for more, I’m happy with what I HAVE accomplished this year.

Of course, there are several days left in this year, but I don’t expect anything to change in regards to my writing life at this point.

I want to thank all my friends and family who have helped and supported me-both in my writing endeavors and in life. I can’t do this alone, and I know it well.

May all of you have a happy holiday season, and may the new year bring wonderful things for us all.

Write/Live on!
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