1. Kate Epstein rocks! I was extremely disappointed when I received a rejection from her for a MG project-but the blow was softened since she was no longer representing fiction (that meant the rejection wasn’t because of my manuscript). She told me about her editing services (check out her site
here). Extremely affordable! I jumped at the chance. Her feedback has been awesome! It’s so worth the $$. She tailored the critique to my specific questions (mostly-why do I keep getting rejections?) and opened my eyes. A-Ma-Zing!
2. Instead of working on one of my new novel projects, I’ve been diving into revisions based on Kate’s feedback. It’s been a joy to transform my manuscript! I’ve asked Kate if she’d be interested in helping me whip my query letter and synopsis into shape-we’ll see what she says. (crossing my fingers)
3. It’s been hard to get the kids up and moving in the mornings. They missed one week of school when they were sick and another week after grandpa died so they got in the habit of sleeping in. Hopefully next week will be better (I can dream).
Hope everyone is enjoying a happy and productive Thursday!
Oh-and I’m looking forward to Super Bowl weekend! I don’t care who wins the actual game-I like the commercials and the fact that I don’t have to cook. Yay!
Write on!