The War Between the Pitiful People and the Splendid Mice*

Dec 09, 2012 12:39

Day 175 of the Great Mouse War. We have located a new infestation spot behind the kitchen trash. After sterilizing and replacing the can, I opined that we should invest in a covered model. The husband insists that we just need to take it out religiously. Previous infestation spots include:

-Behind the kitchen shelves (vanquished!)
-On the kitchen counter (vanquished!)
-In the bread box (ewwww...vanquished! - metal box is now kept closed)
-Behind the hamster cage (vanquished? - They're avoiding it now that we have traps there, but I think the hamster is feeding them. I thought hamsters were supposed to be territorial. Do you think it could be protection money?)
-Behind the washers (still in active battle)
-Behind the stove (They spit on our puny poisons)
-Under the couch (still in active battle)

Weapons of War include:

-Poison - Casualties: 0 (We can actually HEAR them behind the stove where the poison was placed.)
-Snap Traps - Casualties: 0 (But they avoid the areas where they place them)
-Expensive Live Traps - Casualties: 0
-Cheap Live Traps - Casualties: 1 prisoner of war released in a nearby field. Other Mice now avoid these traps. Previous live traps completely emptied of bait - 4

I now wait until my husband is asleep every night to whisper "weeee neeeed a caaaat. yoooouuu waaaant aaa caaaaat." in his ear over and over.

*The War Between the Pitiful Teachers and the Splendid Kids is actually a very bizarre book, which involves, among other things, shark infested rice pudding. I wonder if that comes in mousetrap size?
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