god, i bitch a lot

Dec 27, 2006 00:35

In my last post, I was bitching about the "Buy Red" campaign that is telling Americans to buy "Red" items to help pay for medication for AIDS victims in Africa. Now, you may ask what I'm going to bitch about now, good question.

*steps onto soap box*

Ok, so here goes. First, look at this page http://www.dontalmostgive.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=27. Now, the one that I saw on television was the second link on the second row. Not sure you're watching the right one? The name is "Kids". Now, after watching this, continue reading.

Ok, so I am sitting here watching this and I begin thinking. When did this country commpletely quit caring about it's kids. When did parents really give up on their skills as a parent. Was it during the 80's when Reaganomics was "working"? Was it during the 60's-70's when teens thought drugs made them cool and hippies ruled the world? Who knows when it really happened, when it really started, all I know is that watching these things kinda makes me extremely angry. I don't see why we need a company to say "these kids almost got a community center, blah blah blah blah blah". Guess what, when I was growing up, I didn't live in the best of neighborhoods, I got my ass beat weekly, and I didn't have a community center to "keep me out of trouble" but guess what, I turned out fine, didn't go to jail, didn't wind up smoking crack in a dark alley, didn't get addicted to any other illegal substances. What we need now more than anything, more than these commercials of "Don't Barely Give" more than some asshole trying to make us feel guilty, is CHILD CONTROL.

And not the kind of "Child Control" you see some of these rich bitches with, where they have their kids on a leash, not the kind of child control where you put your child in "time-out", we need mother fuckers to yank off the belts, beat the shit outta the kids, and teach them wrong from right. We can't have these kids running out in the street like they own the place. See, here's the problem, the government tells us "spare the rod or go to jail" guess what; whenever that shit started is when this country started falling apart. When mommy and daddy quit whoopin ass is when mommy and daddy lost control of the kids. Most people who know me, don't know I watch, a lot of what goes on around me. I may talk a lot but I also watch. Some people may call me a conspiracy theorist, a liberal, whatever they want, but the fact of the matter is, I'm right. Don't believe me? I have a test for you.

Next time you're walking through Wal-Mart, the mall, anywhere that many people can be found at almost any given time, take a look around. Just watch, look for young children, watch them, look at mommy/daddy, then look at the kid. I guarantee at some point during the trip to Wal-Mart, mall, etc that this kid will get bored and get pissed off, or see something they want and start screaming for it. The parent(s) will put it into the buggy just to shut the kid up. The kid will be nicely asked "Please honey, be quiet, you don't...honey...stop crying...fine" *place item into buggy* There is no "mean daddy" or "mean mommy" voice anymore. There is no threat to a child, there is nothing there is no "If you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to bitch slap your ass into next week" and then a child cowering before the ADULT.

I guess the point of this entire thing is simple. Learn some fucking parenting. Think back to how you were raised. I can guarantee that you weren't raised under the "spare the rod or go to jail" law. You were raised under the "What the fuck did you just say" *bitch slap*. You turned out fine, I turned out fine, if you parent the way your parents did, you will have kids that mind you, that listen, that won't go to jail for being a coked out thief who was just looking for money for his(her) next fix. Don't be a douche.

You know, that sounds good. I think that's going to be my new saying for when I am on a rant.
Don't be a douche.

*steps off soapbox*
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