This Weekend [So far]

Mar 31, 2007 20:31

Alright. Friday sucked before I got to hang with Kirsten and her friends because I was stressed and fighting with my parents. I actually heard my dad mutter 'Bitch' as I started to get out of the car to go into the library to go and find Kirsten and her buddies.

Then, everything worked out beautifully. Had a ton of laughs over pizza at Kiki's house. Then we all headed to the play, where Ron met up with us [along with a bunch of Kiki's other friends.]

That boy makes it hard to concentrare even during plays. I swear! My heart was thumping the entire time. THEN! He and Kirsten [among with a few other; they sent Maddie to distract me] headed off alone so he could ask her about A MILLION things about me, I'm sure. Apperently she now greatly approves and he is going to make me blissfully happy.

Anyway, after being incredibly embaressed and speechless as well as happy, the play ended and Ron and I danced away from the rest of the people as we waited for Kirstne's mom. We literally danced and I was laughing the entire time.

Then we went out for ice cream and he paid for me. :D

Kirsten and I went went outside at like one in the morning because it was just so beautiful. We must have looked like old maids. We were in our pjs with blankets wrapped around ourselves as we sat in rocking chairs. :D

We talked about everything, from the sky to religion, from love to hate.

Saturday came [as it always does eventually] and me, Kiki, Maddie, Grayson, and Paloma [I think that's how you spell it!] all went down to Careytown and had fun.

Overall, pretty sweet.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go try and 'stay sane' as Ron puts it and deal with the one who claims to birth me yet is a complete idoit who can't hold on to one piece of paper.

*deep breaths*

kirsten, weekend, ron, life

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