Title: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
Rating: PG-13
Chapter: 1 of 1
Spoilers: Late Season 6, post 6x14 to be safe.
Disclaimer: I don't even own the prompt on this one.
Summary: It starts in Milton, Wisconsin. People begin to disappear, and only Sam seems to notice. A response to the prompt by the awesome
de_nugis at the
ohsam hurt!Sam prompting frenzy.Wordcount
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Comments 48
I've got a sequel set up in mind, probably less creepy than this one. But possibly not. So many possibilities...
Thank you for such an awesome fill.
Lucifer's always been more about the mind games to me than the actual violence. To me, one of the worst things he could do to Sam would be to make Sam want any physical torture, because the other option is even worse. There was an episode of the Twilight Zone where a guy wished for nothing in the world to exist except books so he could read in peace. He got his wish, but he accidentally stumbled, lost his glasses, then stepped on them, so he couldn't see at all. Surrounded by thousands of books and completely unable to read them. That's the type of cruelty I thought of with Lucifer, so I'm really glad I got that gentle horror across.
Seriously, you do the best frickin' prompts. I'm so glad you really liked this one. :)
Thank you so much! :)
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