Your comment = my brain. Seriously, this is exactly what I thought. Replies to my feedback? Always awesome. But not necessary in the slightest. (I has more stories to give, btw. A new one tonight upon which I'm going to go INSANE and do something reallyreallybad which will probably incur MORE ficcage from me and BAH I AM BAD.)
And trust me, don't worry about not responding. RL kinda takes precedence, as much as we'd all love for it not to, you know? (And I didn't know you had three kids! How close in ages are they? My brother and I are 4 and a half years apart, whereas my friend has three other siblings including herself, and there's an age gap of twelve, fourteen years between her and the next one down. 0_o)
And for fics from you, I'd wait a long time. You're kinda an awesome author, though I don't say it as much as I should. *luffs on your fics* I have a special folder where I keep my favorite fics, and I print them out and put them in said special folder. (Not a computer folder: real folder. Dark green. Punch-holes.) I've got several of your stories in there. ^________^
And trust me, don't worry about not responding. RL kinda takes precedence, as much as we'd all love for it not to, you know? (And I didn't know you had three kids! How close in ages are they? My brother and I are 4 and a half years apart, whereas my friend has three other siblings including herself, and there's an age gap of twelve, fourteen years between her and the next one down. 0_o)
And for fics from you, I'd wait a long time. You're kinda an awesome author, though I don't say it as much as I should. *luffs on your fics* I have a special folder where I keep my favorite fics, and I print them out and put them in said special folder. (Not a computer folder: real folder. Dark green. Punch-holes.) I've got several of your stories in there. ^________^
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