So I opened my email two nights ago and had two acceptances and one big old rejection.
First the acceptances:
My short story, Rainbow's End, has finally found a home.
A Fly in Amber accepted it for their next issue. They actually vote on the stories over there, so I'll let you know when it's up so you can go over and vote for me!
And, Gypsy Shadow Publishing accepted my short story, Malicifer as a ebook.
This is the image I'm going to use as a cover, (thanks to the lovely artwork of Inertia at
Now the bad news, one of my partials came back as a rejection. It was a big time literary agency, so I wasn't expecting them to like it, but it stung all the same.
Here are my query stats now:
Queries sent out: 46
Partials Requested: 3 (1 rejection)
Rejections: 14
Two small wins today and one large loss. Do they balance out? What do you guys think?