I was going to blog about writing today, when I came across
this article in People Magazine online about the new cast for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I am sooo excited. Disney is thinking of this movie as being the first of a new trilolgy featuring Jack Sparrow.
Unfortunately Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom won't be in it. They've chosen a new actress to star alongside Depp as a siren of the sea: Astrid Bergès-Frisbey. She's from France and has starred in a few big roles before this. Penelope Cruz will also be in the new film.
On Stranger Tides is a historical fantasy novel written in 1988 by Tim Powers:
It is uncertain if they are going to use this tale for the movie, but I might pick up this book just incase.
What do think of these new developments? Can they make another Pirates movie exciting, or will it be the same old stuff rehashed? What do you think about a new triology?