My Book Cover

Apr 15, 2010 23:22

The first book I wrote when I wanted to become an author was an epic YA fantasy titled The Voices of Ire. Now, I wrote this book without knowing any of the recent trends in the marketplace. I wrote what I wanted to from my heart with no outside influence. And that's why this book is so special to me. I wrote what I would have liked in a book, not what I think everyone else would like.

At 104,000 words (and originally 116,000) It was rejected by all agents. And it had multiple viewpoints and was sometimes in omniprescent view, which is so out of fashion right now that it might as well be in the bin with those flare leg pants! (Didn't you know tapered leg is back in?) Well, I finally found a publisher that is printing it. It's coming out this summer at Wyvern Publications.

Back Cover:

If you could write without worrying about market trends, agents, readers, anyone but yourself, what would you write?

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