Oct 24, 2006 01:26
I have icons. This makes me happy.
Work sucks. This makes me sad.
No, really, work sucks. I put in an indecent amount of effort into doing my job, considering what it is, and I only get more grief for it, in general. Mostly from my coworkers, since most of my customers are fairly decent... a few of them are downright nice. This one girl has given me tips twice, and says the nicest things about me. Yesterday someone apparently complimented me, by name, to the owner who happened to be working that day. And he passed this along to me, saying 'good job' and all that.
The job still sucks, but it's nice to hear that some people actually appreciate the effort I put into, y'know, not strangling them when they're acting like dumbasses. If they think I'm smiling because I'm happy to be working there, then they have got to be on some serious crack.
And yes, I know it could be worse. Way worse. But this is my LJ, and I'm gonna whine, so there. XP Hee.
Was late to work again. I turned off the alarm and promptly went back to sleep. Woke up at fifteen after nine, when someone called from work to ask if I knew I was supposed to come in. Oh, yeah, er, oops...
They didn't seem very mad about it. In fact, these people are incredibly lenient about sick days, and being late. It seems so, at least, maybe I'm just balancing it out with the good work that I do. Ha.
The car's been acting up again. Not sure what's wrong with it this time, but it looks like it's the battery... which shouldn't be causing trouble, since we got the damn thing replaced a few months ago. Argh.
Also, the wild plotbunnies continue to avoid me, yet they continue to taunt me as well. This is highly unfair.