With a smile and a sigh...

Sep 26, 2009 14:30

So you know how sometimes there's movies for teenagers - sometimes in the theater, sometimes in middle/high school Home Ec and Health classes - that have a Very Deep Message, and while the intentions may be good, the execution is as cheesy and unrealistic as all hell?

I've written a parody trailer.


Two teenagers, a girl (BETHIE) and a boy (MAX), are walking down the hallway. Bethie is a cheerleader with a lot of make up on and very long, poofy blonde hair. Max is a football player.

Max puts his hand to his mouth, and starts biting his nails.

Bethie: Ew, that’s like, so gross!

Max: Keeps biting his nails.

Bethie: … baby?

Max: Grunts, then continues biting his nails.

Bethie: Puts her hand on Max’s arm and pulls it away. Baby, STOP!

Max: I have a problem, Bethie.

Bethie looks sad.
Marvelously Moving Message Movies Presents…

A teacher is standing by a chalkboard, addressing his class. The scene skips back and forth between the teacher talking and our characters doing various BAD THINGS.

Teacher: When one is at the peak of their adolescence, things begin to change.

Max at his locker, talking to Sam.

Max: I can’t stop biting my nails. If I stop, I start shaking, I feel my pulse beating…

Polly is on her bed, talking on the phone.

Polly: So like, I’ve decided to start collecting troll dolls! The 90’s are so back.

Teacher: Sometimes for the better…

Bethie is cheering in the cafeteria.

Bethie: Two-four-six-eight! You all know who’s really great?

A girl (MARY) passes.

Teacher: And sometimes, for the worse.

Bethie: Not her! You know why?

Mary freezes, her eyes wide.

Bethie: She doesn’t like banana smoothies!

The entire cafeteria bursts into laughter; Mary crumples to the ground, sobbing.

Teacher: You may suddenly find yourself spending too much time fixating on one thing…

Polly is counting her troll dolls, who now surround her bedroom.

Polly: Still… not… enough…

Teacher: Being nastier than ever…

Bethie walks down the hallway with Stacey and Polly, and passes Mary.

Bethie: Hi Banana head!

Polly: Bethie, don’t.

Mary looks at her feet.

Bethie: What's wrong? Bananas in your ears?

Mary: You’re so mean!

A coming of age tale every teenager must see!

Polly: Being carried away from her room by Max and Bethie, hands flailing. NOOO! I MUST FEED THE TROLLS!

A story of teenagers on the brink…

Sam, Polly, Bethie and Max are in the hallway.

Polly: If you don’t stop being mean to Mary, we can’t be friends anymore.

Bethie: If you don’t stop collecting those dumb trolls, we can’t be friends anymore. And Max? Max?

Max: Staring into space, still biting his nails.

Sam: You’re all idiots.

Horrible habits that will not go away…

Mary: Stands up in the classroom and glares at Bethie, who is sitting behind her. I think BETHIE is MEAN!

Everyone gasps.

And a friendship on the brink of destruction.

Cut back to Sam, Polly, Max and Bethie in the hallway,now  yelling at one another.

Bethie: TROLLS!

Max: MEAN!

Polly: NAILS!


Everyone stops and stares.

Sam: … what?

Habits: Coming out April 1st, 2010.

(Let me know if this doesn't cut right.)


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