Sunday Sundry: Fandom Secrets Edition

Sep 12, 2021 09:15

I felt like looking at some FandomSecrets. Basically based on PostSecrets - a collection of fandom "secrets", which are usually just semi unpopular opinions or things people don't have anyone else to talk about with. Which I totally get. They send images, but I feel weird copypastaing, so I'm just going to post the transcriptions. Or, if there aren't any, parts of submissions. (Since they're often long and I love my fingers too much to retype an entire secret.)

I'm not posting these to judge anyone, so if yours shows up, no worries! Not judging at all, just responding to ones that give me food for thought. I'm actually collecting several and just posting a few responses at a time, so they may be very out of order. Just felt like a fun way to talk about fandom, since these days so many of us have completely different ones, therefore can't really get too specific.

Cutting because I know fandom's not everybody's jam.

I don't care about Youtubers' personal life outside of what affects their videos. I mainly follow people who entertain me with their art/commentary on movies/TV shows/books/shining a light on weird MLMs...

I sort of see this one. I'm 50/50 in agreement, I'd say. I actually do enjoy glimpses into YTer's personal lives, but at some point, no, I don't care. I'd say it's a public speaking thing in general, and I have also seen it in nonfiction writing. On the one hand, I enjoy knowing who the vlogger/podcaster/speaker/writer is as a person. Show me a picture of your doggos. Talk about your doggos. But I don't need half of the time to be spent on those things. No one does.

The OP also talks about not liking Q&A's. I actually do, and think that IS a great place to get into some of the "boring" stuff. But that's just me!

I got a hate comment on my fic... "The characters would never act like that! Why are you making them gay?"

Oof. Clearly someone who has never touched fandom in their lives. (The reviewer, not OP.)

I didn't read the comments, but I hope OP knows those sentiments are generally not welcome in fandom. At least not most of the fandoms I've been in or aware of. Unfortunately you are going to get those. Ignore the haters and keep writing.

Fanfic hit a peak in 2010-2013. That quality is hard to find now.

I think you have to keep in mind that it's your personal perspective. How many books or movies have you remembered being in love with, only to revisit and wind up hating? Or at the very least, disliking? I used to love Chicken Soup for the Soul books. I haven't actually re-read them, but I can tell you I'd probably consider them very trite now. Just my opinion, as someone who has a different perspective on life, as well as different reading tastes.

It's also very dependent on the fandom. I used to say the same thing, then I found a fandom where the fics worked for me. But I don't know that I'd say that they're "better", I think they're just more to my taste.

During a recent 30 Rock binge, I was reminded that IDGAF about Jack's love life. At all.

Yeah, I never considered those arcs very interesting. To be honest, I felt like a lot of the romantic arcs were pretty bad. But I think they were also supposed to be? 30 Rock never took itself too seriously, it was very much like Community in that respect. Everything was very Trope of the Episode. Which especially makes sense for 30 Rock, given that it was run and cast by SNL alumni. TGS itself is basically a low-budget, far less popular version of SNL.

So yeah, that made it hard for me to really care about anyone's love life. Or personal relationships in general. I did like Liz with Criss, though.


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