Snowflake Challenge: The One With All the Podcasts

Jan 21, 2020 07:37

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 So I love recap podcasts. Especially ones that aren't spoiler sensitive; while I understand why some are, there's something fun about ones that aren't because they allow themselves to talk about certain scenes or characters not only in the immediate context, but in the context of what comes later.

Two great examples are "The Real Weird Sisters" for Harry Potter, and "Still Pretty" for Buffy. Both re-read/rewatch the series, and there's a lot of very interesting insight - even though both fandoms have been around for a bazillion years now, so you'd think everything had already been said. Especially with Harry Potter. The sisters, Alice and Martha, always come up with stuff that, in my 100 re-reads of the series, I've never come up with, nor do I think I've ever heard or read before. "Still Pretty"also has some great analysis, and I imagine much of it must be original. For example, the most recent episode (as of this post) ties the themes of Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are into the season four episode of the same name, actually making sense out of the very strange episode. The only downside to "The Real Weird Sisters" is that they're almost finished the seventh book - I definitely found them late in the game. However, they also have the next movie, and I have a feeling they'll do other things, at least for a while. Maybe more Sorting Hat episodes, where they sort characters of other shows into Hogwarts Houses.

However, spoiler free is common, and some podcasts are still great, if a little restricted in what they can discuss. "Ice Town Clowns" recaps Parks and Recreation, and is halfway through the fifth season, I believe. (I'm not one for math.) "Still Dead" just finished Angel the Series, and even though I've never been the biggest fan of the show it made me look at some of my quibbles with AtS a little differently, although they also agreed with many of my other problems with the show. (Chiefly, how it treats its female characters.)  Then there's "Buffering the Vampire Slayer", which also recaps Buffy, just without spoilers. They're in season five. The hosts are also gay (they were married, and sadly divorced over the course of the podcast series, though they've remained friends), so there's a lot of discussion of the show from that vantage point, which as a heterosexual woman I appreciate.  ("Still Pretty" has some of that as well.

Then there's NBC's official "The Good Place Podcast." I like this one a lot, even if it is a little different in that the host is on the show (Marc Evan Jackson  - he plays Shawn). There's always fun outtakes from various cast and crew guests. One charming outtake was from the woman who handles the animal actors. She's clearly very ethical about it, they're all rescues and she loves the animals SO much. I wanted to have her over for tea and cookies and let her talk some more!

Also, I owe podcasts a lot for my ethic when it comes to tedious tasks. Have to do a deep clean around the house? Put on a podcast! Have to do a tedious job at work? Podcast time! I used to listen to music, but music tends to put me in a lull. Podcasts give me something to think about so I keep moving, and sometimes I'm so into it, I keep on working so I don't have to stop listening.

fandom, podcasts

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