Calling All Writers! Friending Meme

Mar 16, 2017 15:45

I don't know how to do codes, so this is a C&P Meme. Sorry.

Meme is pretty self-explanatory... if you're a writer, this meme is for you! Doesn't matter if it's blogging, creative nonfiction, novels, reviews, fanfic... writers of all forms are welcome.

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author_by_night March 16 2017, 20:09:01 UTC
The Basics

Name, and/or nicknames: ABN. Real name under flock.

(If anyone's curious, I picked the name when I was a teenager. I realize it looks silly now, but it just... stuck.)

Where do you hail from? Central Maryland. I don't care about the Ravens. I do love crab cakes, though!

Age: Early 30's.

Do you have a blog or website? LJ is pretty much my blog. I did attempt one many years back.

Do you have any other accounts you'd like to be followed on? (tumblr, DW, etc.) I'm author_by_night on DW as well, so you can add me there.

Writing Specific

Generally speaking, what do you write? Some fanfiction, though not as much as I used to. I'd say mostly vignettes and short stories. I also write personal essays. I would love to eventually finish a novel. I also blog, if you consider LJ blogging.

Are you working on any projects? Short stories I hope to compile into an anthology. I'd love to write a proper start-to-finish novel, but that doesn't seem to be my style.

Do you post any of your writing on LJ? Definitely! Including "drabbles" and character sketches, since I don't really know where else to post those.

Have you ever been published? A small local publication.

General Interests

Name up to five favorite works of literature: Things Fall Apart, The Importance of Being Earnest, the Harry Potter series, Persepolis.

Name up to five favorite TV shows: Parks and Recreation, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 30 Rock, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Name five favorite movies: Secondhand Lions, Legally Blonde, Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Hidden Figures.

Are you in any fandoms? Not heavily involved, but I dabble in Harry Potter, Firefly, Parks and Recreation and Buffyverse.

Other Interests: History, genealogy, human rights, mythology/folklore.


Public, semi-flocked or staunchly Friends Only? It's pretty Friends Only anymore, although largely because I just automatically flock everything. I miss the days when half the people I knew could barely turn on a computer and I didn't have to worry about my boss finding my LJ.

How often do you post? It depends, but a few times a week, often once a day or once every two days.

What do you typically post about? Writing (not my writing specifically, but the general art of writing), social commentary (I've tried not to be too political, though), social MEDIA commentary, blog posts about various things I'm thinking about. I also work with kids, many of whom have disabilities, so posts relating to that often crop up.

Anything else? Nope!


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