(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 09:24

Both from Hawky...

1. What is your full name? Alexia Mae Bower. Don't ya'll stalk me now.
2. Nicknames: Urk. Lots of them, precious...
3. Age: 14. And a half. Not really. Shut up.
4. Birthday: March 27th 1991
5. If you could marry someone reading this, who? O_o
6.Where do you live? Missouri
7.What school do you attend? LSWHS 
8. Siblings and their ages: Kate, 23, almost 24.
9. Pets: Zeus, Shanauzer of Eeeeeebiiiiiil.
10. There is no ten. (Seriously, where did it go?)
11. Righty or Lefty: Righty

*********YOUR LOOKS*********
12. Hair color: Currently reddish brown of a light nature...normally dark brown. 
13. Eye color: brown
14. height: 5'6". And a half. Nyah.
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses? yes
16. Do you have any piercing? yes. Ears, silly.
17. Where do you want more if you do? Just maybe two more in my ears.
18. Do you have a tattoo? no
19. If so what and where: *eyeroll*
20. Do you wear any rings?: Four. Middle fingers and index fingers. Sometimes a thumb one if I'm feeling punky.
************JUST LATELY***************
23. How are you today? ..Meh.
24. What pants are you wearing right now? Pyajama shorts. I should get dressed. (Don't think I missed the dress pants crack, Hawky. XP)
25. What shirt are you wearing right now? Erm...I'm not. XD It's 9:30! I'm still in my sports bra! Go away!
26. What looks best on you? Black. Always black.
27. What does your hair look like at the moment? Messy. Long. Haven't brushed it yet.
28. What song are you listening to right now? I'm noooot.
29. What does your nail polish look like? ...Ew. Nail polish.
30. How is the weather right now? Warm, sunny, slight breeze Y'know, like Kansas in late summer....Only it's Missouri. (Steal lyk woa. ^_^)
31. Last dream you can remember? Was really weird. Don't ask.
************More about YOU!*****************
33. Do you like the person you stole this from: Ayup. Shhhh.
35. What makes you happy? Smart people. Fun. Crazy geekiness.
36. What religion/denomination are you? >.> <.< Ehehehehe.... 
37. What's the best advice ever given to you?: "Get back here right now and don't run in front of cars!"
38. Thirty-eight go down the hole! Thirty-eight go down the hole!
39. What's your favorite song? Mrr...Boondocks?
40. Worse sickness you ever had? That 24 hour flu. Oh, the barfing.
41. What's the craziest thing you have ever done? Hm... I ran around screaming I'm General Squirell a long time ago...
42. What's your funniest memory? *shugs* I have lots.
43. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I'd be prettier. Shallow, but true.
44. Where do you shop the most? Borders! Oh em gee.
45. How many kids do you want to have? ...none?
46. Daughter's name? O_o
47. Son's name? o_O
48. Do you do smoke? no
49. Do you drink? no
50. What is your favorite colour(s)?Black, blue, purple, red.
51. What sport do you like the most? Futbal. Soccer, people.
52. What are you most scared of? Falling.
53. How many TV's do you have in your house? *counts* Three.
54. Do you have your own? Yep.
55. Do you have your own phone line? No.
56. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Ayup.
57. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?  Sprained my wrist.
58. Do you wear makeup? I echo Hawkles' "Ew. No."
59. Who's the loudest friend you have?: Me. Possibly Emmy. Gen? *shrug*
60. Who's the quietest friend?: A-ron. When he feels like it, anyway.
61. Is cheerleading a sport? As long as you respect my sport, I'll respect...yours.

*************YOU and LOVE************************
62. Do you believe in Love? Sure.
63. And the numbers go away... 
64. Do you believe in Dating, or in Courting? ..Whatever.
65. Do you think a woman can defer to her husband, and still be kick-a**? Sure.
66. Are you a Feminist? I am what I always is.
67. Do you believe in Love at first sight? ...Sure, if that floats your oyster, go with it.
68. What song do you want played at your wedding? ...O_o Marriage? Who said anything about Marriage?
69. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? *shrug*
70. Are you too shy to ask someone out? ...O-o
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? I don't.
72. Do you find yourself ugly? Somewhat.
73. Do others find you attractive? No idea.

************ONLY FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT*********
74. Boxers or briefs? And the point is?
75. Curly or straight hair: Whatever/
76. Tall or short: ...taller than me?
77. Good boy or bad boy? Anti-heroes. Preferably the dark, angsty kind.
78. Six pack or muscular arms: I like skinny-boys. Do you see the Erik and Jekyll obsession, people?
79. Hat or no hat: Fedora, dammit! XD
80. Ears pierced or no piercings: ...Whatever?
81. Tan or no: sickly pale. Deferring to obsession again.
82. Dimples or not? ...*facepalm*
83. Stubble or neatly shaven?: Whatever.
84. Rugged or sporty: Ew.
85. Studly or cutie: Echo sis in spewing of chunks.
86. Accent or not: >.> <.
87. Glasses: We're against people with bad eyesight?
88. Smart or dumb: I like them on the same level of intelligence I am or greater...? Yeah, we're stabbing the creator.
89. What sport should he play? ...
90. dependent or independent? There are no words...
*******ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT ONLY***************
91. make up or no?
92. Painted nails or not:
93. Play sports or reads at home?:
94. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy: (Or mysterious and crazy, like me. Whoooo.)
95. Dark or light hair:
96. Long or short hair:
97. Curly or straight hair:
98. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: (Yes, because crazy people obviously have cool eyes.)
99. Long or short nails:
100. Hat or no hat:
101. Good or bad:
102. Hair up or down:
103. Jewelry or none:
104. Tall or short:
105. Accent or no accent:
106. Pants, skirt or dress:
107. Tan or fair:
108. contacts or none:
109. Pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick:
110. Freckles or none:
111. Shy or outgoing:
112. Funny or cool:
113. Talkative or shy:

To this I say: MYSOGYNIC BASTARDS! ..Kay. 'm done.
114. On the phone or in person? In person. 
115. Paper or plastic? Whichever's easier.
116. Sausage or pepperoni?: Neither. Green olives.
117. Summer or winter? Fall.
119. Chocolate or white milk: Skim.
120. Root Beer or water: Ew. I hate root beer.
121. Glass half full or half empty? Give me that! Now I gotta refill it, you!
122. Tape or DVD? Whichever.
123. Cats or Dogs: erm..both. I'm a both person here. I know, against all reason.
124. Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
125. Skiing or Boarding: Skiing.
126. Day or night: Night. Music of the Night.
127. Cake or pie: Ew, pie. I wanna bolw of ice cream...
128. Diamond or pearls: Clay and mud.
129. Sunset or Sunrise: I prefer to miss both.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HAVE you EVER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
130. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? Erm...What?
131. Drank? Kinda hard to survive without liquid substance, dearie.
132. Ever gotten dumped? O_o
133. Broken the law? ...Maybe...
134. Ran from the cops? No.  Had conversations with them, yes.
135. Stolen something? ...
138. Been in love? No. Not really.
139. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Erm. I am a not nice child?
140. Do you like filling these out: No. Eff off.
141. How many people are you sending this to? I'm not.
142. Do you want your friends to write back? ...O_o
143. Who is least likely to respond? Erm...
144. Who will respond the quickest? Go away.
145. What first comes to mind: Shut up I don't like you mmmNadir/Erik? *is on a kick for slash*

List five songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter
what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're
any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post
these instructions, the artist, and the song in your blog along with
your five songs. Then tag five other people to see what they're
listening to.

1. Boondocks- Little Big Town
2. Phantom of the Opera- Sir Andy..technically...
3.Does He Love You- Ooold, old, Reba.
4.Fancy- More old Reba!
5. Anything Beegees. Anything at all.


lotrgenius_gen, lhachel, Sliven, and..yeah, I don't know many people... 
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