Jan 19, 2006 01:23
I've got a confession to make, everybody: I haven't started Chapter Six yet. :( I'm sorry if this lets you all down, but I'm afraid I'm stuck in a major rut now with the story. Don't get me wrong, I still want to write it, and I have several ideas. However, I really don't have much of a clue as to what I want to happen in the next chapter, except that it'll be in Jake's PoV once more.
If anyone would like to contribute potential plot bunnies, you're more than welcome to do so. I'll happily take them into consideration, and if one or more is quite stellar, I'll credit you when the story is published in the future.
Oh, and by the way, there's something else I just have to add: I really appreciate that membership is pretty high. However, with each new chapter I'm only getting reviews from the same five people (who know very well who they are). I'd really love to hear more from all of you. I know you're all busy with school, work, social life, other things you're reading, etc. Even so, my story is neither all that long or difficult. You can probably get through each chapter in less than half an hour, maybe in an even smaller amount of time. Anyway, I don't mean to come of as all "It's all about you, but what about ME?" I would just really like to have more activity in this community. I really think things would be more fun for everybody if there were more activity, and how will there be more activity? If more people read the story!
Okay, I'm done.
author's notes