C’mon … you didn’t think I meant the verb, did you? Snicker.
For lack of a better example, I’m feeling a bit like a fricasseed duck this week. A couple of weeks ago, Agent L got some really incredible feedback on my MS from a well-known and highly respected editor. Editor X’s comments were as follows:
This is indeed an unusual and beautiful book, and I’d like to think about it, if I may. The style is so dazzling it’s possible to lose sight of some practical concerns.
(I’m not listing her comments in order to keep this succinct )
Not deal breakers, any of them, just pointing that out. But the magical, haunting quality of the story really did stay with me, rather like a complex chord in music. So am not sure what to say right at this minute, and also would like to get another editor’s opinion.
So, I had an editor’s interest. One that really loved the voice of the book. I’d finally gone into second reads. UNTIL: Editor X up and leaves her position last week at the house without any explanation to anyone where she’s going. I found out Monday. Sigh…
Not sure if she passed the MS off to another editor yet. Agent L didn’t seem to think so, so we'll probably be resubmitting there. The problem is, I needed Editor X’s enthusiasm (not to mention she was awesome and I would have LOVED to work with her).
If you don’t remember from this
previous post, it can take up to half a dozen people in a pub house to approve the book before they’ll accept it. That’s like a totem pole of supporters you have to acquire, and it’s going to be awfully tough if the first staunch supporter, the bottom man, vanishes from the picture. You need that foundational support for balance!
Then, to top off my disgusting week, we received another rejection today from an editor at a different house that didn’t connect with the story for a litany of reasons. Hum.
Anyway, I don’t need negativity seeping in, so I’m trying to let it roll off my back. Unfortunately, there’s always a little doubt that absorbs before I can fluff my feathers and ward off the rest.
I’ve decided unless I want to turn out like this (fragrant yet excruciating):
I’m going to have to develop tougher feathers, and maybe some teeth to bite back.
I’m kind of partial to this look.
Yeah! Just let them TRY to roast me now. :-)
Historical Romance Series Book II: