Aug 05, 2010 22:06
Guess what I wasted a fair portion of my afternoon doing? Well, I slept for like an hour, but I also read fic! That's right, I read Spam fic, and thank goodness, since the last time I dared look on FF, they were better, there were more, and there was at least partial smut. Victory! Right? Well, yes. Admittedly, they were OOC, I somehow stumbled into chaptered unfinished fics, and there was really random angst. Anywho. I realized, there are things I take for granted and think, but other people do nooooot. So, list!
1. I do not believe Sam will lose her virginity to Spencer. I do not think he will be her first real relationship, I do not think that she will fall into goo-ness when they start dating.
2. I hate college fics. Most of the time. Yes, Carly and Freddie will most likely go away to college, and Sam will most likely not even or she will go to community college. Moving in with Spencer will very rarely be plausible, and it's been far too overdone that she and Spencer will fall into serious relationship category while Carly is away at school before she knows.
3. I do not like where Sam "changes" and suddenly looks more adult and that's why Spencer is suddenly interested in her.
4. I do not believe that Sam has been crushing on Spencer for a long time, or if she has, she has not acknowledged it.
5. The child from iSpace Out was not a time-traveling future daughter of Sam and Spencer. Just... no. Especially when the fic is told from her first person POV. Just... NO.
6. I do not care whether they are a secret relationship or a public one. Either depends on timing, situation of the fic, time period, etc. But either way it's done has to be logic and consistent.
7. Carly (I believe) will not automatically love the relationship when or if she finds out. She will react, she will be confused, and on some level she will be hurt and/or feel betrayed. I also do not think she will encourage Spencer in his affections before there is any sort of relationship. That being said, Carly will ultimately play a very large role in any public relationship there is.
8. I don't like first person in general, but I REALLY don't like first person when the POV switches within the same scene, and I really really do not like first person when it points out just how terribly awful your characterization is. Sure, delve into Spencer or Sam or even Carly's mind - but do it well. Or at least not suckishly.
9. I am not saying that Sam and Spencer can't get engaged, and I am not saying that Sam cannot get pregnant, but I will say that neither will rush into the relationship, specifically this relationship, and I know lots and lots of sexual tension floats around between them, but for heaven's sake, A- be committed one way or the other if they're going to have sex and B- they are not idiots. Do not portray them as such.
10. I don't care how in love she is, Sam will not cry or sob at the drop of a hat. I just - feel like that needs to be out there. She can be angsty without tears.
11. I really really do not think that Spencer will take Sam's virginity. And even if he does, it would be out of character for her to tell him, and inappropriate to mention in the middle of whatever sex scene is being written. That conversation, if it occurs, will be before or it will be after. It might even stop in the middle, because it doesn't continue.
The weirdest and most terrible part of this is that I can't critique (well, yes I could) fics based on these. Some people will see characterizations differently. Some things are personal preference, and only some of these go hand in hand with good or bad writing skills.
Yes, I will make a non-fandom entry tonight.... swears. :D
ETA: Number twelve? What the crap is with having Sam be a smoker? And Spencer also sort of kind of too? And like, he usually smokes pot, not cigarettes? Where did this mentality come from? Okay, lie, I know where, but WHY was it put in place? *irritated*
fanfic manages my life,
spencer and sam are in love,
icarly makes me silly-happy