Oct 03, 2005 23:09
hmm..i'm deep in thought and yet i feel too tired to think. What i find fascinating is that God shows me things when i least expect it. Someone told me today that my smile actually made their day b/c they knew it was real and they can't figure out why i am so happy... then he proceeded to ask what the purpose of life is... which was God opening a huge door... and then i found myself praying for this guy while i was washing food trays at work ( i had to catch myself from praying out loud)... i dunno, it just when i look at someone i can see the pain in their eyes and all i wanna do is help them... i wanna pray for them and encourage them and love on them... which is what i end up doing b/c i can't control myself. And when God gives me moments like that it reminds me that life is so much bigger than myself and how much i love those around me. That's how i wanna live the rest of my life...always putting others first.
I love you all more than anything
Side note: Me and brandon are officially dating :)