(no subject)

Dec 17, 2008 12:36

i'm enjoying home, i'd say.
though i am really frustrated, because i really miss my college friends, and i really want to go see them, but i really can't because they all live like 4 hours away. and people here.. just aren't the same faces i'm used to seeing in ohio, so it's weird. i keep looking around for a familiar face, and i see familiar faces, but they're not the ones i've been seeing for the last 2 months. i suppose i'm having separation anxiety from college. lol.

i miss kyle immensely. words really cannot describe how much i miss him. i think i wouldn't miss him so much if he were as eager to text/talk to me online. but he's really not that kinda person. so that kinda sucks. and what sucks even more is that i'm probably only going to see him 1 day during break, and that's christmas... and it's at his cousin's house, so i have to be all awkward and meet his whole family, and he is going to be all family-oriented and such and i'm going to be like chillin in the corner awkwardly trying to make small talk with people i've never met before.

i miss everyone from the dorm. a TON. i mean, every night i talk with some of them online, for hours and hours each night, actually. and it's excellent to hear from the ones that have skype. but for the ones that don't, like the ones i would never ever go out of my way to talk to, the people that simply live on my floor and say hi as we pass by each other in the hallway, but we don't go out of our way to hang out with each other? you know, those people? acquaintances, i suppose? but a little more than that? idk. well i miss even those people. i just miss everything about the dorm. now i feel CRAZY for ever having a 'tough deciding whether i wanted to transfer or not' because i definitely do NOT want to transfer. i still may HAVE to, and that will absolutely absolutely suck more than anything. so hopefully i don't have to.

and hopefully i get to see kyle over break. i start work on saturday. so that sucks.
but i'm happy. tonight i have things to do :) tomorrow night i have things to do :) friday i have things to do :) saturday i have multiple things to do :) sunday ? i'm pretty sure i have things to do, possibly? annnd monday tuesday wednesday i work, and wednesday night is christmas. and thursday i GET TO SEE KYLE! and then friday-friday i MIGHT be with kyle, i might not :( and saturday i head back to Columbus :)

so there, that's my next 2 weeks. so it's not so bad, i suppose. i used to be excited for a month long break, and now i'm extremely relieved that it's only lasting 26 days as opposed to 31 days lol. cuz those extra 5 days would be torture.

i REALLY REALLY hope summer isn't like this. i don't think i'll be able to take it.

why do i have to go to school out of state and to a school that has like 80% of kids from in-state, so 95% of my friends are from that state? luckily, it's only a 2 hour drive to get to that state :) and i love that state :) so i'll gladly travel to that state to see people :)
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