Aug 18, 2010 22:12
Today marks the two year anniversary of us having Deborah and Maria! We brought them up from Houston to Dallas on the day we signed our apartment lease. So here is their story:
I had been volunteering with Adopt-A-Cat, Houston's only no-kill, all cat shelter and sanctuary (why yes, that is a shameless plug!) for 6 years when the women I volunteered with the most got a call from an elderly man who had caught three kittens in a laundry basket. When she went to get them they were small but very angry. Some kittens can't hiss until after they're six weeks old, so they tend to just open they're mouths and stick out their tongues instead. This is what those kittens did, so Kim named them after characters in the webcomic Angry Little Girls. (It should be noted that the main character is Kim, the angry little Asian girl.) Despite two of the kittens growing up to be not angry at all, they had great trouble getting adopted. Eventually the most outgoing one found a home, but Deborah and Maria never did. Maria was extremely shy, but Deborah was sweet and sophisticated, so they would have done a two-for-one deal to keep them together. They were very attached to each other, and Deborah couldn't cope without Maria. To make up for her set backs with humans, Maria loved other cats, so they went to live at a Petsmart Adoption Center. They lived there a solid year and no one was interested.
I had known them this whole time, so I decided if I had to move away and stop volunteering, I wanted to do one last, big thing to help, and take a "lifer" or two. As they had been in the shelter three years, they were the perfect candidates, especially as they already knew me.
Now it's been two years. Deborah is a dedicated lap cat and our 'lifeguard' when we shower. The first time Maria approached us, about a week after we all moved in together, was when we were in bed, and now she is our bed-bug. I get up before Josh in the morning, and I get to see the two of them curled up together asleep. Deborah and Maria still love each other and hate being separated.
Since then we've gotten a third cat that they both love, but his story is for his anniversary, which is August 21st.