Little Big Soldier: This is Jackie Chan's 99th film and is a historical piece, set during the time of the Seven Kingdoms in China, approximately 267BC. It has everything I love in a history based film - great combat scenes, excellent sets, authentic armour and costumes. Plus Yoo Seung Jun, which is a bonus. I was really impressed with this film, more than I thought I would be. So, if you like history based movies and foreign films (it's in Mandarin) and Jackie Chan, then watch this.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one: Enjoyed muchly. Except for the jerky motion of the hand held camera when it was used, that wasn't so good. I don't like the technique anyway, it always makes me feel a bit queasy. But it was good and I am looking forward to part two.
So, books.
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova: This is a looooooong book. Over 900 pages of long. Thankfully a stand alone, because there's only one really huge series I can take at the moment (A Song of Ice and Fire.) And I enjoyed it, more than I thought I would. It got some bad reviews over on
Goodreads, but I found it a solid read.
The Magicians by Lev Grossman: Oh. My. God. What. I picked this up in LAX on my return trip to Adelaide bc I packed all the books I'd bought in my luggage and forgot to keep one for the flight. And this book... ye gods and little fishes. It is so derivative it isn't funny. Actually, it's not a funny read at all, but I did finish it and decided that was it, that when the sequel comes out, I'll borrow it from the library. It's Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia and... yeah, the reviews on
Goodreads say it all.
Angel by Gary Kilworth: A 'hard boiled' genre-esque detective novel involving a rogue angel as the criminal. This isn't really a spoiler as it's stated in the first chapter. While I don't usually read crime/detective novels, I do like a good angel-based story and this was definitely it. Short, under 300 pages, and a one night read. I really enjoyed this one.