Sorry for not updating in a while!
Nothing much has changed, except for a new addition to the household.
Princess Evie!!!
Evie is a long haired Syrian hamster that I purchased from Petsmart on Friday morning. And as you can see, she's adorable! She's very sweet tempered, though she has bitten me once (when I was presenting oatmeal in my palm to her.)
And here is Princess Evie's castle!
Note the bottle of water ^-^ because my little sweetie needs the best!
I decided to get a hamster because I thought I could curb my motherly cravings on her instead of my friends or something my apartment might not be too happy about- like a cat. She has a little plastic ball that she runs around in, and she sleeps while I'm at work.
I'll write a 'real' update in the next couple of days- sorry I've been absent!